‘We are Pilgrims’ Album Launch

12316256_10156291860025615_748814058782157863_nNew Album ‘ We are Pilgrims ‘  Launch

29th November 2015    2.30pm

Crescent Arts  Centre 2-4 University Road Belfast.

It was a lovely afternoon.  Rod McVey on piano and Cait Donnelly and Emma Morgan on backing vocals took the songs to a new level for me. thanks to the friends who came and made it really special. MD

We now have  a beautiful video  made by Vickie Larkin , www.vickilarkin.com , with myself talking about the music and some  lovely shots of Ballycastle beach. I hope you like.


11222056_325033457621109_8849728217256801019_n12316256_10156291860025615_748814058782157863_nMartin  at the Sunflower Folk Club November 12th 2015









‘We are Pilgrims’   Album Launch .    Crescent Arts  Centre Belfast

29th November 2015 with Rod McVey, Cait Donnelly and Emma Morgan

The Natural History of Ulster

The National Museums Northern Ireland are nearing the completion of a prestigious volume called The Natural History of Ulster which includes a chapter on Ulster poets and their reflections on nature. It includes four fragments from Martin Donnellys songs and has this to say about his work.

‘One writer whose work may compare to that of Patrick Kavanagh ‘s mystic poetry is Martin Donnelly, originally from Co. Antrim. Donnelly’s work stand out from other nature poets in that it is set to music and from other songwriters in that much of it is about the natural world.  He writes nature songs which are poetic and discerning,and his Kavanagh-like vision of the world can be felt in the following lines from Longing To Belong Again’.

Worn out by bitter travelling

‘Till my poor heart was sore

I flung myself exhausted

On Dunseveick’s healing shore

On a soft bank by a roadside

I found myself at prayer

Between a violet and a primrose

That grew so careless there

Launch of new album, Rushlight

The new album was launched officially on May 16th with a gig at the Crescent Art’s Centre, Belfast.

The launch went really well,exceeded our expectations. The Crescent Arts Centre Cube is the perfect space for such an intimate concert. The in house pa. and lighting was great and and the staff very helpful and friendly.Thanks all.
The atmosphere during and after the concert was warm and enthusiastic. A success.My thanks to all who attended and made it so special. Martin

Click here to purchase the album online.

Website of Irish Singer-Songwriter, Martin Donnelly